Yes, products are true to size. Please measure yourself accordingly and refer to the size guide of your item.

  • Step 1: Visit the link www.hustlemnl.com
  • Step 2: Browse the shop for products.
  • Step 3: Click the item/s you want to purchase to access more shopping features.
  • Step 4: Select the preferred color and size of the product then enter quantity and click “Add to Cart”
    Note: If you like to shop for more items, continue browsing by repeating steps two and three. Otherwise, proceed to check out by clicking the “View Your Cart” button found at the top of the page.
  • Step 5: Complete the checkout form by filling in all required fields.
  • Step 6: After completing your order, wait for an email confirmation containing important details regarding the purchase.

We can assist any queries on instagram but all final purchases should be done on the website (www.hustlemnl.com)

We accept payments made through the following channels:

  • Credit/debit card payment through PayMongo
  • G-Cash through PayMongo

Note: An email containing your payment details will be sent to you in real-time after you have successfully placed an order.


We process regular orders within 24 hours from confirmation of payment and ship them out as soon as the order is complete. (As the items are all made custom we need up to 5 working days to complete your order)

We calculate shipping fees based on three main location categories:

  • Metro Manila – Free of charge 
  • Provincial extra – P100
  • International DHL – rates vary depending on location

Note: We are working on partnering with more reliable couriers to give you the best rates and service. In this regard, existing standard rates may change without prior notice.

Upon the start of shipment processing, you can expect to receive your package within the time frame listed below:

  • Metro Manila – 1 to 3 business days
  • Provincial – 2 to 5 business days
  • International – 3 to 5 business days

Note: We are not liable for any unexpected delays caused by poor weather conditions, holidays, lockdowns and other fortuitous events.

An email will be sent to you containing the tracking number of your package once the order has been picked up by the courier. Once the items leave our warehouse the shipping company will be responsible for the safe delivery of the item to the customer.

Yes, we offer international shipping via DHL. For quotation requests, kindly email us at hello@hustlemnl.com with a list of orders and the related shipping details and we will send a reply within 1-2 business days.

Bulk Orders

Yes we do, as long as such orders meet the required minimum order quantity.

Note: Orders may vary in final rates depending on the volume requested. For bulk order inquiries, email us at hello@hustlemnl.com

Yes, we accept customization for orders exceeding a minimum volume of 50 pieces. Email us at hello@hustlemnl.com for more information regarding customization details, product availability and lead times.

Here you can place an explanation or answer to the question.

Have any more questions?

Contact us

If you still have any other unanswered questions, feel free to email us at hello@hustlemnl.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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